
Relaxer Update + Length Check


Relaxer Day. The most nerve racking day in all of Black hair care history. You know my relaxer day is coming when I start watching YouTube videos on self relaxing, over and over again. I mean, it's a permanent chemical process on your hair and if anything goes wrong, that's it. It can't be undone.

I want to apologize in advance for this post because it's not very detailed on the relaxer process, and as the title suggests it's more of an Update and less of a wash day post. This is because I'm super busy with Fashion right now, and I just wanted to let you know what's up. I promise you guys though, for my next touch up I will do A very detailed step-by-step post on how to successfully relax your hair at home.

I relaxed my hair at 14 weeks post and I must say this stretch was a breeze! I minimized breakage and tangles by reducing combing, doing low manipulation styles and eliminating curly styles altogether as I got closer to my relaxer day. Basically, I just left my hair alone. To be honest, I was too distracted and too tired most of the time to do any thing extra to my hair. I just moisturized and sealed as often as I could and tied it up in a silk scarf.

So this is my current length:

The longest part of my hair is touching the top of my bra-strap, but I refuse to claim anything until it's touching the bottom of my bra strap.
I'm looking forward to June, because hopefully, I will be at full bra-strap by then.

I also want to announce that I've put up a progess pics page on my blog in honour of my 1 year hair journey. Please check it out and show your girl some love!

Ignore this hurried post. Tell me how your #washdayexperience  went.

P.S: I followed all the instructions on giving your hair movement, and I got it! I got "The Swing!"
So happy.

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  1. Hi, I began my relaxed hair journey April 18th and I need help as far as first wash,regime etc

    1. Hi Fatimat! Congratulations on your hair journey!!! Send me an email at yemimoore@gmail.com and I'll tell you everything you need to know!


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