Wash Day + Length Check


This wash day was a really simple one, I usually very heavy handed when applying products to my hair, but today I kept it minimal. I was also very pleased to be able to roll my hair with my large rollers again which meant faster drying time.
(Tip: To know if your hair is long enough for a particular roller size, you should be able to rotate your hair at least 3 times on the roller)
Here's how my wash day went:

-Mega Growth Deep Conditioner
- Fantasia IC Serum (heat protectant)

1. Deep Conditioned: I parted my hair into sections according to how I would rollerset my hair, instead of the usual four quadrants. This saves time after washing and also eliminates any breakage that might occur from manipulating wet hair. I applied my deep conditioner to each section, detangled with a wide tooth comb, put them in bantu knots and let it sit overnight under a plastic bag.

How my hair looks after an overnight deep condition

2. Rinsed: The next day, I unraveled and rinsed out each section individually and put them in twists to keep them intact. For added nourishment, I didn't completely rinse out the deep conditioner and this served as my leave in. I know, hold on... before you school me on the necessity to rinse out deep conditioners completely, let me just say that this trick is recommended by the manufacturer so I'm good.

3. Rollerset: I blotted my hair (still in twists) with my T-shirt just to stop the dripping. Then I set my hair and blow dried on a low setting.

This temperature is lukewarm and doesn't dry my hair out. If you are going to use a higher setting please apply the heat protectant as you are rolling up your hair, a blow dryer is classified as direct heat and can damage your hair if you are not careful. A hooded dryer on the other hand, is classified as indirect heat and is the safest way to dry your rollerset.

4. Flat Ironed: The key to a successful flat ironing session is leaving in some moisture before you straighten your hair. After blow drying for about an hour, I took out the rollers, applied Fantasia heat protectant to each rolled section, then flat ironed in that order. That way, I didn't have to part my hair again to flat iron it. I love rollersetting my hair before flat ironing it because it gives me extra smoothness and volume that I don't get when I blow dry or air dry first.

5. Trim: During the rollersetting and flat ironing session, I took out some thin, stringy ends in different sections. Some as little as half an inch, others as much as two inches. I think I can officially say that I have layers now lol!

Now that all is said and done, here are the results:

Still not satisfied with these ends!

Length check:

I'm happy with how my hair turned out, I think I won't do a length check until some time next year. As I begin my transition (see this post), I will be doing more curly styles and stretching my heat usage even further than three months.

I will preserve this style by cross wrapping my hair nightly, and add a little curl to the ends with three flexi rods.

How was your wash day? Have you used heat recently?

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  1. So...when you gonna come and rollerset/flat iron my hair?!? LOL! Your results are gorgeous! Did you find any difficulty in getting your hair straight as you are used to?

    Thanks for sharing your #washdayexperience chica!

    KLP @ www.savingourstrands.com

    1. Lol! When do you need me to come? Yes, I did find that even after flat ironing, I still had tons of volume! But hey, I can't complain....

  2. Lovely results Yemi! Can't wait to see more of your transition styles (:


    1. Thank you Abbii! I'm excited to show them!

  3. Congrats on your decision to transition! I wish you all the best. Your roller set is beautiful

  4. this is a great blog! thanks to Lebo's inspired by series i learnt about it! i subscribed as well!!

    i think we are hair twins lol (i'm at a 5 on my T-shirt as well ). looking forward to more great posts

    1. Yaaaaay!!!@ hair twins. It would be great to find someone with the same hair texture as mine. Thanks for stopping by!!!

  5. I don't use heat often. If I do, I try to use indirect heat. Your ends look healthy.

    1. Thank you Jay! I try to limit heat usage as well.


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