Hair Update: My Natural Hair


Hi Everyone! I'm back! I think this is how I start all of my posts these days (Lol), so I'm going to skip all of the excuses (I've been busy, this is a stressful time for me, blah, blah, blah...) and go right into this post. 

 If you follow me on instagram, then you already know that two months ago, I became fully natural after transitioning for 13 months. It wasn't always easy dealing with the textures during the transition process, and sometimes I felt like going back to relaxers. But for as long as I can remember, I've always had relaxed hair, and I really wanted to see what my natural texture is like. 

 After 13months, I couldn't take it any longer. I was getting tired of seeing curls, curls, curls....and then straight hair. My natural texture made my texlaxed strands (which I thought was really curly before) look like crinkles! So I took my trusty ol' scissors, and using conditioner and water to bring out my curl pattern, I began snipping away... 

 I thought I would be terrified after cutting my hair since I'm so used to having medium to long hair my entire life, but after I was done cutting, I felt so good! I love my cute afro, I love how soft and fluffy my hair is, even when I don't moisturise and seal for days! But most of all, I love my curls. I honestly didn't think I would love my hair as much as I do. And I don't know if I will never go back to relaxers, but for right now, I'm staying put :) 

 Thoughts? Are you transitioning? What big change have you made to your hair recently?

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