Wash Day


I shampooed!!! Ahead of schedule, but only because I had a lot of build up on my hair and my scalp was starting to itch, which hasn't happened to me in a loooong time. Here's what I did to reduce the stripping effect of the evillll shampoo...

Products used

-MG Stimulating Shampoo
-MG Deep Conditioner
-MG Daily Leave In Strengthener
-Fantasia IC Serum
-MG Oil and Castor oil

1. Detangled: I parted my hair into four sections, applied MG leave in strengthener to provide slip and unlock tangles and detangled with my wide tooth comb.

2. Pre-Pooed: I did a hot oil treatment with MG oil mixed with castor oil, I applied the oil to each section of  hair, covered with a plastic bag and left it in overnight.

3. Shampooed: The next day, I shampooed twice with a diluted form of the MG stimulating shampoo in an applicator bottle to be able to access my scalp.

4. Deep Conditioned: I T-shirt dried for about 10 minutes to soak up all the excess water before applying deep conditioner to it, which I left on for about 20 minutes.

5. Roller Set: After rinsing out the deep conditioner, I applied my leave ins: MG daily leave in strengthener and fantasia IC as my heat protectant. I set my hair in 1inch rollers using the mohawk method.

Apparently that was a mistake because it was gonna forever to dry, so I didn't even bother to let it fully dry (seems like a norm these days lol!), before taking them out. I blow dried my hair the rest of the way and applied MG oil to separate my hair and wrap it, which removed all the frizz.

The next day I took the wrap down and you know, same ol' same ol' smooth, straight hair.

The Wash Day Experience

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