Roller Set and pin curls on Relaxed Hair
Have you ever been in a situation where
something happens and you blame everyone/everything else but yourself? That’s
me this week. This was not my fault, at all. I blame the rollers, I blame PHCN,
I blame the wind (for not drying my hair on time), I blame my scarf......wanna
know what I’m talking about? Here’s what happened.
I just got this large magnetic rollers (the
ones that I’ve been dreaming about) from a beauty supply store near my sister’s
house, and I was so excited to use them! I had this whole glamorous old Hollywood
style planned in my head and blah, blah, blah. But everything went wrong.
-First of all, it took me 2 days to
detangle my 5 days old bantu knots which was super annoying. Of course I lost
some hair due to breakage. Dear bantu knots, I love you and all, but detangling
you was a CHORE!
-After I got that out of the way, I pre-pooed
with Mega growth daily leave-in strengthener, which I also got at the beauty
store for two hours. (I tell you, your hair is nothing without your staple
-I deep conditioned with my sister’s
Profectiv Growth Renew Root Rebound Deep Conditioner for 30 minutes.
-I co-washed with Alberto Vo5 strengthening
conditioner, the store didn’t have a lot of Profectiv products, but I’ve used
this before so it’s tested and trusted.
-I tea rinsed with two tea bags of Lipton
Black Tea and left it in.
-I applied my Mega growth leave-in
strengthener on each section of my hair before roller setting.
-I couldn’t blow dry due to circumstances
beyond my control, so I air dried.
I knew my hair wouldn’t be dry by the time
I wanted to go to sleep, so I pin curled using the flat method. By this time I
had given up hope of looking glamorous, but I still thought I’d at least have
some curls, but when I took down the pins the next day, I was just one big
frizzy mess. They were more like in zig-zag shapes. I didn’t even take pictures, I do NOT want to engrave such horror
in your memories. You’re welcome.
So I rectified it by doing the pin curls again, this time using the stand up method. I grabbed sections in no particular order, detangled, moisturised, applied Fantasia Olive Oil moisturising serum and pinned. When I was done, I sprayed my entire head with Growth Renew Silk Restoration shine spray and left it to air dry.
The curls are not perfect, I still had some
frizz in some places, and my roots weren't stretched properly, but at least it looks great. I mean, it’s no Hollywood,
but it is cute! I’m not giving up on my rollers, no, no. I’ll definitely be
trying this again.
FYI: I don’t know what the back looks like.
I can’t even.....