Why I refused to blog about my hair...Until Now.


I'm back ladies! (Side Note: That is an EXTREMELY long title...*pensive*)

"OMG Yemi, where have you been?!" Is probably the question on a lot of my readers' minds (or maybe not, lol!), and I'm here with an update.
It's a common thing amongst bloggers after they go AWOL, to say that they had a lot going on, and they've been very busy...but that's the honest truth here, I've had a lot going on, and I have been very busy!  

Asides from that, I've started working on a new project, and some new sections for the blog, I'd like for it to be more interactive and educative. I can't talk about it too much, but I can say that I am going to have a youtube channel pretty soon, and I have a few footages that I'm currently editing. 

Needless to say, I have been taking care of my hair (to an extent...), I just haven't been blogging about it.

It's basically been the same ol' cycle every 2-3weeks: Takedown cornrows, wash, condition, dry, stretch, back to cornrows, wigs, repeat. So I figured, why bother you guys with the same story each week?

I usually blowdry my hair to stretch it first before putting in cornrows, but for this week, I created large sections and put them in braids to give it that blown out look without any heat:

I'm currently 11months post relaxer (woohoo!), and I have no idea what my curl pattern is, I'm working on building a new regimen that suits my natural hair as my previous products no longer seem to be doing the trick. 

So that's it for my update guys! I'm definitely going to be more consistent in blogging now, I have a lot of goodies for you so stay tuned!

I'd love for you to leave your suggestions in the comment section, what kind of products would you recommend for transitioning/natural hair?

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