Protective styling: Braids


I had on big braids as my first choice of protective styling. It reduces the amount of manipulation on your hair
thereby reducing shedding and breakage hence retaining length. And also it got my hair out of my sight because i'm soooo obsessed with seeing it grow... lol
I continued my moisturising and sealing routine of course, but i co-washed only once (I'll put up a post on how to care for your hair under a protective style) I had it on for a total of three weeks (not long I know), and here are some of the styles I rocked:

Classic bun ;)

Side twist with bun

And here are some other styles you can try:

And so after three weeks of torture (i.e not knowing how my hair was doing) i took of d braids, washed, deep conditioned and air dried and this is what it looked like:

Progress anyone?

How are you protecting your hair?

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