Tips for Self-Braiding


This isn't a tutorial on how to braid your hair, it's just me giving some tips on what to do when you want to braid your hair. It's also applicable if you are going to a stylist, you can explain what you want them to do for you. These tips will help you minimize breakage before, during, and after installation.


*Ensure that your hair is properly cleansed and deep conditioned prior to getting the braids done. This strengthens the hair and keeps it prepped and ready to go. A protein treatment can be done here also for extra strengthening.

*Section your hair into four quadrants. This helps you get through your entire head without seeing it as too much work as opposed to just going at it like that.

*Moisturize and seal each section to prevent breakage when making the smaller parts.


*Make sure that the hair/extension ratio is somewhat balanced. If your part is too small and the amount of extension you are using for the braid is too large, then it will cause too much tension on your hair and will eventually lead to breakage and hair loss. Make sure your hair and the extension are almost the same size as this won't weigh your hair down.

*Don't make your hairline too tight. Now I know some of you may lose me here, but neat and tight aren't the same thing. Your hairline is the most fragile part of your hair and can break off easily, especially with tight hairstyles. Make your edges neat enough that it looks good, but not too tight that you lose hair in the process.

*Protective style your braids. Leaving your braids to swing around all day, everyday will actually cause tension on your follicles and yep, you guessed it, cause breakage! Opt for hairstyles that would keep your braids intact. To see the hairstyles that I've done with these braids, click here.

The Takedown

*Spray your braids with water before unraveling the braids. This provides slip and eliminates any snagging that might occur. Make sure not to pull or tug the hair when you get to the base.

*After safely taking down all the braids. Section your hair and apply conditioner to your hair. Cover with a plastic cap and let it sit for 10 - 15 minutes before you begin detangling.

I hope this post was helpful, I intend to do a separate post on taking down my braids so stay tuned!

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