I'm Transitioning!


I've been going back and forth on whether I want to stay relaxed or go back to natural and I've decided to transition. I've been relaxed since I can remember and it's all I've known. Asides from the few inches of new growth I see every 12 weeks, I've never seen my natural hair texture before.

I have a lot of hair on my head and texlaxing has definitely added volume to my hair which makes me wonder how big my hair would be if and when go natural! The next pictures are texture shots, I'm only 10 weeks post here.

I don't know how long I will transition, I just hope it will be long enough to put my hair in a ponytail.
Wish me luck!

Are you transitioning?

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  1. How do you plan to transition? Will you use protective styles like braids or will you leave your hair out? I'm thinking about transitioning too but I'm not sure yet.

    1. Hi Uzo! It's a bit of both actually. I will use protective styles, and leave my hair out sometimes

  2. Oh, wow! Good luck on your transition, Yemi!

  3. Wow, you have such a gorgeous smile! Your hair looks healthy too! Good luck with your transition. I've also toyed with the idea but I don't think I'm ready yet. I've done a six-month stretch before and I loved my natural texture, but for now, I'm still rocking my bone straight - yes, bone straight hair! Works for me though.


    1. Thank you Pam! I love the silky straight relaxed look, but now I'm more into volume and curls!

  4. That's great. Wishing you the best on this new journey.

  5. You go, girl!!! The same thoughts have been crossing my mind and now you've encouraged me!! Maybe I'll finally make a decision...

    1. Best of luck girl! Let me know when you decide!

  6. Good luck with the transition!

  7. Wow good luck I'm thinking of transitioning too but not sure yet I don't want put a label on it will call it the long stretch lol can't wait to see your results!

    1. Thank you so much! Let me know how your "stretch" goes ;)


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