Easy Steps to StraightenTexlaxed Hair Without Heat


 If you are on a hair journey, then you should know that using heat on your hair should be limited or eliminated completely. So how do you rock your straight styles if you are not using heat? Here's how:

1. Starting with freshly co washed hair, detangle your hair and pull it back into a pony tail at your nape area. This will take a longer time to dry, but your hair will be stretched as opposed to letting it air dry normally.

(Optional) lay down your edges with a scarf.

2. Once the hair is 100% dry, take down the ponytail and lightly detangle to remove any bumps or shed hairs that might exist before wrapping your hair. I wrap mine in a clocwise direction (from left to right)

Leave it overnight.

3. Take down your hair the next day, use your fingers or a wide tooth comb to gently separate and style.

And that's it! 1-2-3 BOOM! You wake up to beautiful  straight hair with lots of body. No roller setting. No blow drying. No flat iron.


The Wash Day Experience

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  1. I've tried this before Yemi based on a tutorial you put up a few weeks ago! And I can vouch that it is the truth!
    Thanks for sharing your tips and tricks :)

    Lungi @ HHDC


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