Wash Day | Possible Setback?


It's been a while since I did a wash day post and it's due to the fact that my hair is cornrows 95% of the time these days. I basically just co wash or deep condition my hair (with the cornrows), rinse it out, air dry, repeat. This method has made me so lazy with my hair because when I took down the cornrows, I didn't know where to begin! My hair was just....everywhere. The volume was just ridiculous, but after stalling for hours, I finally got the courage to wash my hair.
Here's how it went:

Products used

- Profectiv Mega Growth Stimulating shampoo.

- Profectiv Mega Growth Detangling conditioner

- Profectiv Mega Growth Daily Leave in Strengthener

- Fantasia IC Heat Protectant

1. Takedown: I took down my cornrows the night before the actual wash day, spraying lightly before unraveling each row. When I was done, I lightly detangled and put my hair up in a faux puff (See tutorial here), tied my edges down with a silk scarf and went to bed.

2. Pre-poo and Detangled: The next day, after several hours of playing around, I parted my hair in small sections, applied MG conditioner on each and detangled with a wide tooth comb. I put each section in small twists to prepare for the shampoo process.

3. Shampoo: I put my MG shampoo in an applicator bottle and diluted with water and this makes it easier for the shampoo to be applied directly to my scalp without stripping the rest of my hair. I lathered and rinsed three times until my hair was squeaky clean.

4. Leave ins: Call me lazy. Sometimes I get away with just applying leave in conditioner after the shampoo, which is what I did again for this wash day. I T-shirt dried for about 20 minutes then I unraveled each twist, applied MG leave in and Fantasia serum, and blow dried till it was about 85% dry, so my hair wasn't fully stretched.

5. While it was still a bit damp, I put my hair back in cornrows and plopped on my wig. You can see the different ones I wear Here and Here.

Possible Setback?

I noticed a LOT of hair coming out while I was taking down my cornrows, and unevenness in my hair while I was blow drying which could only mean one thing: breakage.

What you don't know is that a few weeks ago, I went to have my hair washed and rebraided....at a salon!
*audience gasps*

I know, I know. It was my first time back in a salon this year and I was going there to just get my nails done so I thought "It's been a while, why not get the full salon experience?"
Bad idea. They weren't actually so terrible with my hair, but they weren't exactly gentle either, it was clear that they new nothing about transitioning hair. If I didn't swear of stylists before, I'm officially doing it now.

Honestly, I can't totally put the blame on the stylists as I haven't do a protein treatment in like forever! Luckily, the breakage didn't occur at the line of demarcation (the point where the new growth meets my texlaxed hair),because I make sure that part is nourished. It was more towards the ends, where the bone straight hair is. I'm not too bothered since I'm eventual going to cut that part off anyways, but no one likes uneven hair. I definitely need to step up my game, I may need to start rebraiding every 2 weeks instead of once a month, I'm going to wait until my next takedown to do a full assessment of the damage.

How was your wash day? How do you deal with uneven hair?

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  1. Sorry about your setback. My hair is pretty uneven because I had a setback a few months ago. I try to keep my hair up so the length doesn't show. It will grow back.

  2. How long do you plan to transition for?

  3. Glad you know the source of your setback and how to overcome it.I was weary of salons before I began my journey and Im even more weary now that im more knowledgeable.All it takes is one visit.If the unevenness bothers you now,maybe a trim to level it off...?

  4. It makes sense that you'd have a lot of shed hair after not washing your hair after 4 weeks. I think that it's common to think that your hair is uneven when your transitioning because of the shrinkage. I say---go with the protein treatment and washing at least every 2 weeks then access your ends in a month!

    Thanks for sharing your #washdayexperience chica!

    KLP @ www.savingourstrands.com

  5. Eeeya. You may need to give your hair stylist a pep talk about how to handle your hair. I do that whenever i go to the salon. Sincerely, it does not work 100%. You can also try installing your cornrows every 2 weeks.


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